Etude Op. 19, No. 2
Etude Op. 19, No. 3
Etudes Op. 19, Nos. 2 & 3 by Jean Delphin Alard and arranged by Joseph Mayes. Francisco Tárrega arranged part of Jean Delphin Alard’s Etude No. 2 for his “Estudio Brilliante,” which I played for years without considering the original model. I heard Wolfgang Lendl’s fine recording of the complete Alard study on a CD and it destroyed my contentment. I couldn’t figure out why Tárrega had left out the portions that he did, as they were some of the more guitaristic parts. I contacted Wolfgang to ask where the original could be found and he generously sent me the music. He included the music to Etude No. 3, saying that I would probably enjoy that as well.
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